The intent of this administrative policy manual is not to duplicate the policy manual already in effect from the Alaska School Activities Association.
A. Policies will be passed by the Board of Control as needed.
B. Region I – ASAA will abide by the current Alaska School Activities Association Policy Guidelines, and the complete ASAA Appeals Procedures.
C. Executive Secretary position:
The Board shall establish a job description for the Executive Secretary.
The Executive Board shall review applications for the Executive Secretary position. Selection of the Executive Secretary shall be by majority vote by the Board of Control.
Executive Secretary Contract:
1. Duration: The contract shall not to exceed a term of three consecutive years but may be renewed at the end of the term by majority vote of the Board of Control.
2. Salary: $6,000 per year, travel, per diem and lodging at the local district rate.
3. Payment: As arranged
4. Award Date: At or as soon as possible after the spring meeting
5. Time Schedule: Starts on or before August 1 and continue until the June ASAA meeting.
6. Hours: To be announced by the Executive Secretary. Must include a telephone number and address. Must have time available at least twice a day when the Executive Secretary would be available to the membership.
1. Serve at the pleasure of the Region I – ASAA Board of Control.
2. Act as resource person for principals, athletic directors, etc.
1. Announce and make arrangements for all scheduled meetings.
2. Publicize Region I events on media to include television, radio and newspaper.
3. Seek out transportation advantages for Region I Tournaments.
4. Resource for Region I tournaments, including:
a. Resource to tournament directors.
b. Selection (with approval of individual) of Region I Representative at tournaments.
c. Financial details of tournament.
5. Keep the minutes of Region I – ASAA meetings and send minutes out in a timely manner.
6. Maintain financial records (Article III, Sections I through VI of the Bylaws).
7. Order and make arrangements for payment of all trophies.
8. Other duties as assigned.
D. Agenda Template
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Introduction of Members and Guests
IV. Order of Agenda
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Executive Secretary’s Report
VII. Communications
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
X. Public Comment
XI. Date and Site of Next Meeting
XII. Adjournment