Section I – Offices
The principal offices of Region I – ASAA shall be determined by the Board of Control.
Section II – Powers and Duties – Philosophy and Goals
We believe that the Board of Control is responsible to the people for whose benefit the Region I – ASAA has been established. We seek, therefore, to provide the best possible support system for student activities through establishing programs and operating procedures that reflect both the requirements of the State and the will of the communities served.
The Board of Control is committed to:
1. Expand every available effort in the development and operation of school activity programs which best meet the education needs of cultural background, aptitudes, interest, and aspirations.
2. Maintain two-way communication with all people served in order to be constantly aware of desires, attitudes, and opinions.
3. Formulate policy which incorporate the public will, and which best serves the interests of the students, parents and community, and the State of Alaska.
4. Employ an Executive Secretary who will carry out the policies of the Board of Control.
5. Support mechanisms through which all possible control of local schools will be by the local people.
Section III – General Powers
The Board of Control has exclusive management and control of all inter-scholastic activities of its member schools, subject to State law.
Section IV – Duties of Board Members
Major duties and responsibilities of Board of Control members are:
1. To become familiar with Alaska’s school laws and Region I – ASAA policies, rules and procedures.
2. To restrict activities related to Region I – ASAA to those appropriate for the board members.
Section V – Regular Board of Control Meetings
Regular Board of Control meetings shall be held in the fall, winter, and spring or as otherwise scheduled by the Board. Meetings may be held by teleconference. The election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member-At-Large shall occur at the Spring meeting. These elections will be by majority vote.
A quorum of 50% plus 1 must be present to convene a regular meeting. All action on motions require a majority vote of 50% plus 1 of the entire Board of Control.
Section VI – Special Board Meetings
Special Board of Control meetings may be called by any member of the Executive Committee. Such meetings should be held to a minimum number. Notification must be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the actual meeting date.
The minutes of the Special meeting shall be distributed to the entire membership of the Board of Control.
The only business that can legally be conducted at a special meeting is the business that is outlined in the call for the meeting.
Section VII – Agendas
The Executive Secretary, at the direction of the Chairperson of the Board of Control, shall prepare all agendas for meetings of the Board. The agenda shall be distributed to the Board members at least ten (10) days prior to regular meetings and if practicable, one week prior to special meetings.
Section VIII – Rules of Order
Alaska Statutes and the Board’s established policies take precedence in guiding operation of Board meetings. In matters where these are silent or incomplete, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Scott, Foresman and Company, shall apply, except that these procedural rules may be superseded or suspended by action of the Board of Control.
Section IX – Minutes of Board of Control Meetings
The Executive Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, complete records of meetings of the Board of Control. These minutes shall include:
1. A record of all actions taken by the Board of Control, with the vote of each member recorded except in the case of a unanimous vote, or a voice vote.
2. A record of the disposition of all matters, which the Board considered but did not take action on.
Copies of unapproved minutes shall be sent to all Board of Control members before the meeting at which the minutes are to be approved. Minutes shall be tentative and unofficial until they are approved by action of the Board of Control, and all minutes on file or distributed must be clearly marked as to their status.
Official minutes, including the required supporting documents, shall be maintained in a record book designated for that purpose and shall constitute the official record of proceedings and actions of the Board of Control.
Section X – Executive Session
All meetings shall convene in open session. However, the Board is authorized by law to discuss the following subjects in closed or executive session by majority vote of the Board of Control.
1. Matters that the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of Region I – ASAA.
2. Subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person, provided, however that the person may request a public discussion.
3. Matters which, by law, are required to be confidential.
No action shall be taken in executive session. If action is to be taken as a result of the executive session, the Board shall reconvene in open session prior to taking such action. AS 44.62.310
Section XI – Duties of Chairperson
The Chairperson of the Board of Control shall:
1. Preside at board meetings.
2. Decide questions of order.
3. Appoint all committees of the Board, unless otherwise directed by the Board.
4. Be an ex-officio member of all Board committees
5. Supervise the development of board meeting agendas by the Executive Secretary.
6. Have the same right as other members to offer resolutions, to participate in discussion, to vote and to initiate or second motions upon relinquishment of the chair. A Chairperson who is not the designated district voting member is not entitled to voting rights.
7. Call the meetings of the Board.
8. Serve as Region I Representative to the State Board of Control of the Alaska School Activities Association: and report to the Region I Board of Control such actions as may be enacted.
9. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by action of the Board of Control.
Section XII – Duties of the Vice-Chairperson
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, shall discharge all duties of the Chairperson and be held to all their qualifications.
Section XIII – Member-At-Large
One voting member of the Board of Control shall be selected annually as the Member-At-Large to serve on the Executive Board. This selection will be by majority vote.
Section XIV – Chairperson Pro Term
In the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the following persons, in order of succession, shall call the meeting to order and conduct the election of a chairperson pro term to preside for that meeting only:
1. The Executive Secretary
2. Member-At-Large
Section XV – Board Committees
The Board of Control shall have no standing committees. Special committees may be created by the Board of Control to carry out specific assignments. Members of such committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson. These committees shall be temporary and shall conclude upon completing their assignments, or they may be terminated by board action at any time. All recommendations of a special committee shall be submitted to the Board of Control as a whole for action.
Section XVI – Executive Board
The Executive Board will be comprised of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Member-at-Large and Executive Secretary.